Company policy
In order to guarantee the correct management of a quality System and the application of this Quality Policy, the General Management requests the collaboration of all the Company Personnel, towards which it commits to supply the necessary information to understand the importance of its role within the System. The Quality Policy pursued by PUGI RG S.R.L. is expounded in the following points:
Relations with the customers
Within the relations that PUGI RG S.R.L has with its Customers; the following are indispensable prerogatives:
· the correct perception of the requests and need of the Customers translating them into Quality products and services that concretise and exceed their expectations;
· demonstrating the greatest possible flexibility with respect to the Customers’ needs;
· maintaining clear relations with the Customers in order to prevent possible complaints by the same Customers;
· the respect of arranged delivery time of the products;
· evaluating the level of Customer satisfaction;
· evaluating the process/product criticalities observed by the Customer through the study of the causes of complaints presented by the same customers.
Relations with the suppliers
Regarding the relations of the Company with its Suppliers, we consider auspicable:
· executing an accurate analysis aimed at selecting reliable Suppliers
with which to establish and maintain long-lasting relations;
· making the same Suppliers participate in the Quality and Environment Policy pursued by the Company, in order to integrate them as collaborator, especially in case of outsourcing production;
· involving the Suppliers in the company improvement plans and know-how exchange.
Internal organisation
To optimise internal organisation, the General Management of PUGI RG S.R.L considers priority:
· supplying all the employees with the practical and theoretical instruments that enable them to contribute to the fulfilment of the company objectives;
· involving and integrating all the company resources in the optimisation and improvement of the services in function of the Customer’s expectations;
· identifying and investigating the critical areas for Quality;
· implementing Corrective Actions and improvement actions;
· aiming at continuous improvement;
· The company has implemented an Ethic Code in compliance with law 231/2001.
· The company is equipped with an information sheet: Information useful for purposes regarding safety and risks present at work (Legislative Decree 81/2008)
Relation with the important parties concerned
· Defining at every review by the Management which are the important parties concerned
· Establishing which requirements are to be monitored during the execution of the activities
· Establishing appropriate communication channels if different from those usually used
The Management of the company, in consideration of the increasing request of consolidated quality standards by the market, and convinced of the internal improvements achievable with the development of a culture of quality, has decided to give continuity to a Quality System compliant with the ISO 9001:2015 standards. Therefore, it is the Company’s intention to solve the problems deriving from the pursuing of said purpose adopting adequate operative means, creating a suitable environment appropriate for the execution of the activities and especially giving all the Personnel that work in the Company a sense of responsibility. The objective of the Company is to make sure that all the activities are developed efficiently and economically activating a company quality management system based on the following fundamental principles:
1) Guarantee the capacity to regularly supply a product that fulfils the customer’s needs and the mandatory applicable ones. Add the quality policy on the website to share it with our suppliers.
2) Increase customer satisfaction through the efficient implementation of the system, including the processes for continuous system improvement and ensure the conformity to the customer’s requirements and the mandatory applicable ones.
3) Constant determination in the search and elimination of the non conformities as by the customer’s complaints believing that a flaw can lead not only to a corrective intervention (and relative costs), but also to possible actions for damage responsibility.
4) Pursuit of a faithful and constant collaboration with the suppliers of services with the aim of activating relations based on a conjoint and continuous growth of the overall quality.
5) Pursue the always scrupulous and attentive personnel training.
6) Diffuse to the entire Company the need of particularly taking care of the identification and fulfilment of the requirements and needs of the Customers. For this purpose, the Management will take measures to pursue the awareness of the themes on quality to achieve the application of common methodologies and sharing of verification criteria of the quality supplied (customer satisfaction).
7) Pursue the constant observance of the delivery terms, and observance of the contractual requirements undertaken with the Customers.
8) Guarantee the constant presence of PUGI RG s.r.l, on the current market and continuous search of new markets and new products.
9) Pursue constant search of new articles to increase the range of products and turnover. The monitoring parameters of the points listed in this document are reported in the Quality management manual (Review of the Management MOD.RDD).
10) The Management commits to develop a policy and some actions in the sustainable development field, through renewable energies, differentiated waste collection, creation of products from recycled and recyclable raw materials.
11) Review the company policy at least once a year and, if necessary, update it to change the external and company conditions.
Environmental Policy
The global evolution of the markets and the growing need of protecting the environment prompt us to manage our company with specific attention and awareness regarding environmental protection topics.
Said commitment was concretised with the knowledge of the procedures provided for by the UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 standard.
Therefore, our company wants to express its commitment to the compliance with the environmental, in force and future, legislation and regulations applicable for the prevention of pollution and continuous improvement of our performance on said problems.
This Policy represents, therefore, the expression of the Management’s responsibility towards the environment and is binding for all company workers.
The compliance commitment towards the environment is concretised through:
· the continuous improvement through the constant search and application of technological and procedural innovations for environmental protection,
· the prevention of pollution through an efficient operative and productive management,
· correct environmental management to create a comfortable work atmosphere,
· concretely supporting the company development,
· improving the image of Pugi RG Srl,
· promoting and supporting the initiatives aimed at sensitizing external interlocutors concerning environmental protection topics.
The realisation of our commitment towards the Environment includes clear and precise objectives:
· the realisation, diffusion, and improvement of an Environmental Management System that includes:
* the continuous improvement of environmental compatibility, thanks to the identification of environmental aspects,
* our own continuous improvement,
· optimising energy and raw materials consumption, increasing the resort to and use of reusable and recyclable materials, promoting waste management aimed at their reduction and reuse (see the fabrics of the GreenFabric and CO2Neutral line)
· informing the Customers, public, and authorities regarding everything concerning Environment,
· sensitizing the suppliers, qualified in relation to precise environmental requirements, and respect of the Environment,
· involving and increasing the Collaborators environmental competence,
· evaluation of the investments aimed at technological innovation in the environmental protection field.
Our Environmental Policy is defined by the Management that encourages its internal and external diffusion;
the responsibility of applying it and keeping it active belongs to each Collaborator.